Februari 15, 2008


By AS. Atmadi
Editor of B-WATCH magazine

In the middle of a worried town, suddenly disturbed by a letter of an Aceh poet, Doel CP Allisah, througed my e-mail. He asked me to write comments about his recent anthology which will be published eventually. In fact Alfin Tofler with his Third Wave is adorable. The global village, supported by cyber communications, brought a perfect solution for a comunication. Do not asside from poet, everybody can also use the cyber communications, for connecting the mind. Constructing a good comunication, so it will be solid as rock, as Markus Antonius and Cleopatra who died because of a broken communication. This is a communication of my mind in conceiving his bellelesttres as an Aceh poet.

Doel CP Allisah, whom I know, has worried all the time. He has an adventure mind, struggling for a life and the lives. And proclaiming his self existence as a journalist, who always wants write poems. He is writting and contemplating the fears of life. Starting his carrer as a poet, Doel has defined many pictures of life in his poems tittle. For him, the pictures of life will never die in a paradigm. Life is the most endless eternity. This thing leads him to a masterpiece, he will not give up on a life.

The wind was died
At the blue of water
While our pictures oscillated
Shaken by depik* of the tasteless sea

That is what he wrote in the poem of Once Upon A Time In The Tasteless Sea Lake(Takengon, Aceh Tengah). The wind was died, while our pictures oscillated. Doel was admonishing our minds as the reader. There is a life in a death.

Further in this anthology, Doel has revealed the journey and rhytm of life, in a dimension of space and time. He wrote some of name that disturb his mind. He wrote someof witness of life in his poems. Just like an innoncent person without a resistance. Eventhough he has a griveous life—there was blood, the scent of amunition, and a long grief—he defined all those things wisely. It makes him adorable for people. He wrote a poems with minor pictures of life without a resistence and blood. It seems like a dry minus background which has caught by the sun. But later when we conceive them seriously, there are many amazing advices within.

In a terrify resistance and lunge of tsunami Doel said,
You all are “the everlasting rebels”
at the silent house of mine
Become a great memory in my thought
Become a sound of music in my breathe
Walking in each other arms to heaven!

He was just writting then expressing it in his poems. Following by the sign of a national poet Chairil Anwar,

If the war has done, wrote it with your pen.

Doel CP Allisah needs to use his pen intensively, through his poems. In a poem of Teunom, there is a picture of an Aceh poet Hasyim KS, and a long grief at the end of his life.

Maybe it’s the last time for us to cross
With a raft that connecting time
And a through years hope
Or we will return in a dream the day after
But not with your painful tears!

A poet who has studied linguistic and Indonesian art, patiently, chose the words order carefully, gave a good symbolistic color for Hasyim KS as his art picture. Of his recent poems in this book, such as The May-Juli Concerto (Medan 2004), he said:

We have been walked too far
With no border of the earth and sky
With no border for the wall of breath
Then, as brittle as we burry off the history
On the sheet of papers

As long as the life goes on, commonly the human beings are obendient by pictures, which can be the witness of an endless life. It is not a sin! Bravo Doel. Have a nice life, you are still writting poems in the economic liberalism. I beleieve that it is not the last anthology of that picture of life. Insya Allah.

Jakarta, April 2, 2007

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